The trackxf format

In order to archive raw tracking data in a way that it can be shared with other researchers and with other software, it is necessary to establish a standardised data format. The trackxf project is designing a new format to fit this task.

A standardised and shareable format for spatial tracking data

The format is based around JSON—a simple and widely-used format suited to the storage of list-type data. Because the JSON standard is not bound to a particular software or programming language, it can easily be read by other software on any platform. In addition, because JSON is plain text, it is fully compatible with version control platforms and can be searched for metadata keywords if necessary.

The trackxf format additionally compresses the JSON document to make the files a lot smaller. This is much better for storage and for transfer over the network.

The formal schema

The formal trackxf schema can be found here: trackxf_schema_v0.json.